NWCEAI Provides Smaller Group Learning Experiences, as well as Lectures, Conferences, and In-Service Options

NWCEAI strives to provide an exceptional educational atmosphere that:

    • Creates positive connections among class participants and teaching faculty
    • Develops problem-solving skills specific to the course content
    • Enhances motivation and participation through a warm and nurturing atmosphere
    • Encourages student feedback and dialogue about the content and learning process
    • Increases practical and in-depth content and experiential opportunities
    • Promotes ease toward future application of acquired knowledge
    • Reduces anonymity and promotes accountability and inclusion

We specialize in Boutique Workshops and Trainings

What do we mean by “boutique”?

noun, bou·tique often attributive bü-ˈtēk:  a small company that offers highly specialized services or products

At NWCEAI, “boutique” means that our forte is providing high-quality education in Expressive Arts Therapy to mental health clinicians, in a small group environment.  Our boutique workshops are limited to 15 participants, because we believe that smaller learning communities provide an enhanced learning experience.